Thursday, September 10, 2009


I had the special surprise of having my pants unzip themselves every time I sat down at work today.

I decided to make a little game out of it and poof out my stomach to see how fast that lil zipper would slide down. I got pretty good at it. (whilst doing important work).

So, for my 5 today, I did some **POWER** WALKING after dinner with the fam. Since the kids run at full speed ahead of us, it was really out of necessity that I had to **POWER** WALK to keep up with them (I stopped short of running - overkill).

Felt great. And I really felt (again) like I should look very toned when I got home. I was surprised to see that I looked the same as when I had left. Humph.

One day at a time, one day at a time.

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