Monday, September 14, 2009

"Flat Abs Fast"

Dear Mimi,

Have just returned from the grocery and poured my glass of vino to accompany the cooking production.  Whilst at the checkout, I spied with my little eye a magazine called, "ABS GUIDE"  by Prevention magazine.  So, I thought to moiself, well, I have already blown the budget for today, haven't I?  What's a little $3.99 going to hurt? (Which, as you and I know, is the mentality that oft gets us into trouble.) But, not this time, I think!  What IF this little magazine has the answer??

** You know that I have NO blankety-blank idea how to make the above white background on the text go away.  sorry for the distraction.  it was NOT intentional.  oh that's what i get for trying to be fancy!**

Anyway, I saw MANY ideas for good "5-minutes" in said magazine.  And lots of pictures, which we like.  I'm just saying, watch out because I might be on a roll.  The good kind this time...not the kind that allows you to play the special trick of unzipping your pants by just pushing it (the stomach roll) out.

Is it disconcerting that I have many, many more ideas and theories than actual production of the 5 minutes?

P.S. FYI, sour cream and onion pringles taste EXCELLENT with my glass of vino-- Chianti, ce soiree.

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