Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well now

Huh - look at that, it's been over a year since we have posted on this blog! Interesting. Because when I start projects, I ALWAYS finish them. I wrote that with a completely straight face, if you're wondering. Ah well. It's been quite a year with some big changes and now I found myself in a new place. And one of my observations is that there seems to be quite a lot of runners here. People are always running 4, 6, 10 miles because, ya know, why not. I was just discussing with my friend, K, what if you don't want to be a runner, what if you just want to be a "walker"? Maybe some people just aren't meant to be "runners"? I have heard many people tell the story of "I was never a runner, never thought I could be one, and now I run 75 miles every day!" Ok, well, I don't know that that will ever be me. I like to walk, I actually really do. Running on the other hand stresses me out. And as my friend K pointed out today, with walking you can really take in all the nice scenery around you, while with running, it's all just whizzing by. So, I need a hat or shirt or flask that says: Proud To Be A Walker. Or I'm a Walker and Proud of It.

I also find myself a year later with the same ten(ish) pounds to lose - why is that? I actually have several theories on that. And here they are.


1. I Am Lazy: This is sort of true. Historically, I am not super great at pushing myself to go that extra mile. Well, let's be honest, even that first mile. I systematically turn off my alarm for exercising in the morning in favor of snuggling back down under my nice, squishy down comforter. It's just so warm and snuggly and it's still dark outside. What kind of maniac gets up when it's still dark outside? I enjoy comfort. But does this have to mean that I am lazy? Not necessarily, but in this case, they are kind of going hand in hand.

2. Fear of The Unknown: I have never really been in super, duper shape. I have been thin and fabulous, but that was really more from youth and time spent in Paris where everybody is sort of naturally thin and it seemed like the thing to do. I have never really worked REALLY hard - exercising and eating well - and achieved a goal. I don't really know what that feels like at this point in my life where it's going to take a little, or lot, more oomph. How will it feel? How do I know I am going to like it? What if I don't? What if I do all that work and DON't feel awesome? I am just so comfy right now and historically I don't really like change.

3. It is Good Enough: Meaning, I can still get dressed up and look ok. I am not 300pounds. I don't have a danger to my health. I don't have a huge pressing reason - like my wedding - to get really slim and in shape. I mean, sure, I'd like to be 15-20-25 pounds thinner, but in weighing the effort versus return, I am not (obviously) hugely motivated by it. I mean sure, I'd love not to have all the floppy, flingy parts, but whatever. Then again, this all changes when I have to be in a swimsuit in France. And I do actually credit this with the reason that I am not bigger than I am. Facing my French in laws fat. Not something I want to do. Cue the panic as August gets closer.

4. Not Historically Athletic: I have never been an athlete PER SE. Now I was a "dancer" for some of my life and I was always good in P.E. and generally fine at whatever I tried. And of course, I like to refer to myself as "athletic" but that is possibly not entirely accurate. So I don't really know what its like to push myself, train hard, etc. All new territory here.

5. Denial: This is a good one. I do generally tend to feel like a) I do BASICALLY look like a Victoria's Secret model or someone who looks good in athletic shorts and that any evidence to the contrary is easily fixed if I really wanted to and not that serious. b) Appalled when I do actually put something on that I think should look good and find that indeed it is frightening.

6. Resentment: WHY should we have to exercise? I mean really? Why don't we just look like we did when we were 18? What is the deal? How could things have gone so wrong?

7. Uncomfortable: This goes along with a few already mentioned. When I do get out there and really run or do other things, it's kind of hard. Hmmmm....this looks like it might go with Lazy.

8. Confusion About Information: There are so many different theories about exercising. How long, what, when, blah blah. What if I do it wrong? And it doesn't work? And I could have been doing it a different way? It's an awful big risk to take.

9. All or Nothing: I want to know I am going to exercise every day for the rest of my life or not at all. Doesn't that make perfect sense? It's the black and white thing.

10. Fear of Failure: WHAT IF IT DOESN'T WORK. From my own experience, I know this is not true. But still. We keep waiting to really start. REALLY get in shape. Any day now. But what if I, gasp, FAIL?

11. Rebellion: Goes along with Resentment. Kind of like Eff You. I am not going to exercise because I know it is the right thing to do.

12. Time: Really, let's just throw this in. Because there is always a million things to do before exercising unless you really make it a priority.

13. Loving Husband: It is ALL HIS FAULT. He loves me the way I am. And thinks I'm beautiful. HOW DARE HE? What is even the damn point then?

Ok. So there are 13 excellent reasons why I don't exercise regularly and make it a priority. Stay tuned for why I SHOULD exercise.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Comfort Zone

definitely OUT of the comfort zone this morning.

JUST finished a good, hearty 5.  check!!  It's a good feeling to know that it's 8:18 and I've already made this choice for myself.  something really clicked last night when we were watching the Biggest Loser.  Everyone talks about how they now realize that they deserve this for themselves; that they finally want to get healthy for themselves.  It's very emotional, and a powerful experience for them.

And I thought, by NOT doing my 5 daily, what am I telling MYSELF about how i value my own health and well-being?  it's a strong message, i realized.  so without planning it, i popped out of bed this morning and just wanted to send myself a strong message that i CARE!

so it's raining.  and cold.  and i ran in the rain and got wet.  and i'm not going to lie; i DID feel slightly like a triumphant, although perhaps slightly less Italian and muscular, Rocky.  but it was only 5 minutes and guess what?  it wasn't bad!!  it was actually GREAT.

what message are YOU giving yourself today??

much love-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mall Walker

hello lovelies.

well there has been much buzz about how no one is "doing their five".  here i am to say i have BROKEN that cycle; for all of us.  why not??

i am now a mall walker.  was running into the mall to do a little work (brought my laptop) in between appointments and thought, "I can take an few extra minutes and  do my five walking fast!"  So i did.  and you know what?  i LOVED it. only stopped once at Steve Madden to look at boots.  but you know, you need boots to walk, so it all kinda works together, right?

walking is one of the answers.  no special shoes or outfit required, and everyone already does it every day! i think it's just about capturing 5 minutes JUST for you; stepping it up to kick up your heartbeat for your five, and breathing deeply and thinking about how you are DOING it.  so empowering!!

much love to all...


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dearest Mime's,

Ah, how I love the honesty.  Especially when it is SO honest, yet brave and beautiful at the same time.  I hear the pitter-patter of a freshly-bathed boy running around upstairs, so I only have a moment.  But let me just remind us of some of the things we KNOW:

1.)  According to an Unidentified Source (as you know, an U.S. is only that way because I cannot remember what or who the source is), it takes 28 days to make a new habit.

2.)  If you squint, it's more like 280 DAYS.  But that's ok...because of The Journey.

3.)  You don't have to do ANYTHING "real" or "athletic" for the 5 minutes (Gasp!) Remember??  Just flop, jump, skip or do whatever---as long as it is intentionally to count for the 5 minutes---for 5 minutes.

Some ideas:
a.  whilst telling a story about your day to D.H. (dear husband), gesture WILDLY and hop about effusively for effective story-telling.  OR do this as bedtime story for your children.
b.  do anything you want whilst watching the first 5 minutes of your favorite program.
c.  just do laundry MORE enthusiastically, with gusto.

See??  Now, I don't want you to get all caught up in the "what should I do for my 5 minutes today??" thing.  When you are thinking that to yourself, just start jumping around and timing yourself.

Ok, so now I REALLY really have to stop theorizing and DOING IT.  Thank you for pulling me out of the Pit/Bad Place by asking for advice.  You KNOW giving advice energizes me, if nothing else!!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Large and In Charge

Let's see...would this be an accurate representation of how I am currently feeling? Um, yes, yes it would. Except for the "In Charge" part. So, that leaves "Large". Fab.

I have a huge confession. Not surprisingly to some, I have in fact NOT done my 5 for about 5 days now. I know. I have broken the covenant (correct use of word, yes?).

Why, you say? Um, I may have gotten distracted by a shiny object, or got busy and tired, or drank too much vino in celebration of BFF's birthday, or...well, you know.

I am going to go ahead and say this is all for a very good cause though. That's right. I think it has been a good part of the experiment. BECAUSE it has actually shown me that the 5 a day really work. Within a couple days of not doing it (even when I was literally doing 5-6 minutes a day) I started to feel 'floppy' and 'gross' again whereas before I was 'fab' and 'perf'.

My sweet, sweet Mama has continued to gush over me every time she sees me, exclaiming "See? See? It's your 5 a day!!! Look at you!!! So Skinny!!!" Haven't had the heart to tell her. Could she be any more encouraging? I think not. MWAH, Mama!

BFF and I had a good talk about The Journey when I confessed my sin. We tend to be so black and white. Just screw it! Screw it all! We've messed it up, it's not perfect, let's drown ourselves in ice cream. No, no, we said (with great maturity) Life Is A Journey. Twisty, turny paths. Sometimes double back on yourself, but alas always moving forward. IT'S OK TO NOT BE PERFECT.

Good, I feel better. But, now is the tricky part. Actually starting again. Because I know myself and the absolute hardest part is to start again, although I know how great I will feel, how it works, blah blah.

Any motivation out there? Words of wisdom? TELL ME NOW.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Intentions

Dear Mimi,

Thank you for your lovely letter and words of kind encouragement.  I too enjoyed our conversation on the phone during Vino Hour.  Thanks to KrisJ and your momma's suggestions under the post "Flaky", I was able to combine two Great Loves--talking to you and drinking wine---AND do my five minutes!!  And I didn't even fall down.  So I was mostly just running in place and/or around downstairs, and at the end of the five minutes had to follow my trail and clean up the little splashes from my vino glass.  No biggie fries, because I was so proud to have done my 5 minutes!  What's a little spill here and there.

As to the Prevention magazine and its contents...its whereabouts are questionable at this moment.  I happen to be typing next to a rather large (and growing) pile of papers, magazines, etc. on my desk.  I suspect it is somewhere in there.  When I trouve it, I will write about my findings.

However, I do have one idea for you for your 5 minutes:   Happy Dancing.  It is something that children LOVE too (well, mine does at least) so it ALSO gives you a "good mama" feeling of doing something playful and fun with the kiddos.  A big fave of mine is Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough".  Highly suggest.  Lots of flailing, flinging, flopping; whatever you feel like doing.

Now.  You know that I too am a BIG fan and believer in the "right Outfit concept."  However, I worry that we may allow the outfit to deter us from actually DOING the 5 minutes (ahem, H. Bucket...contrary to your comment to Mandy about making sure she is wearing the right outfit).  So, I want to remind you that even though it IS sometimes about the outfit (as definitely was the case for the marathon), for the 5 minutes in particular, it is NOT about the outfit.  Wouldn't you agree???


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too busy being athletic

Dear BFF,

I have sadly neglected posting recently, but BUT I am STILL DOING MY 5. Every Day. Haven't missed a day. I swear. How long has it been now? A year? Oh - not yet, you say? My mistake.

Several interesting developments:

- I don't want to freak you out...but BUT I have lost 3 pounds. I'm not kidding.

- I was complimented by someone that is not my husband (it's ok - he was there and approved.)

- I have inspired at least two people that I know of (ok - it's my mom and sister, but still).

- I have gotten you, dear one, to do your 5 for one day at least (whilst conversing with me). This was after a lengthy convo about how I was becoming too successful at the 5 a day.

- I think that's all the developments.

Anyway. Highly enjoyed this email from you this week:

"Had very deep, insightful thought today about how we should love our bodies, blah blah. then caught STARTLING glance of my upper arm in the elevator mirror and scarce could make it out of the elevator before frantically looking for someplace to do triceps. Or anything. must melt THAT!! then had revolutionary thought again about loving our bodies, accepting, something. ehh, don't really remember the specifics."

I am needing more ideas for the 5! What was in the Prevention?? I have been doing a lot of (give or take): situps, pushups, leg lifts, etc before bed because I haven't had time to do anything else before. Walked for lengthy period a few times. I need to go back to yoga, but work, kids, ya know LIFE has gotten in the way.

BUT seriously, doing 5 a day (or more) - it adds up. I am feeling fairly pleased. PLEASE continue your series.
