Friday, September 4, 2009

Ode to Clark

BFF here.

First, let me say that I am SO pleased and still giggling at the v. awes comments from my "Flaky" post!  So Mimi and I have decided what I should do, since we got so very  many great suggestions: 

I will try a new one each day.

So last night, thanks to Ronja from Germany, I tried doing my five minutes whilst watching Friends. Specifically, as she suggested, at the very beginning so that I could, "feel better if you watch the rest of it while having some vino" (at least she would! :).  Now, I do have to say that I omitted the part of having some vino as I had already had some and was actually watching my Friends episode in our bedroom right before going to bed.

I was so pleased with having any semblance of a routine that I got all enthusiastic about putting on special night cream for my eyes, thoroughly brushing teeth, and then lathering lotion and putting socks on my feet (to make them soft :).  Then I was READY for my first mission.

Turned on Friends, and realized I had better start moving, so I did the only move I could think of.  You all would recognize it:  it's the one you have either A.) personally done as a part of a school choral program during the "doo-wop" number or B.) have repeatedly seen at church or school productions of any "doo-wop" number.  In other words, snap, scoot two-steps-to-the-right, snap, scoot two-steps-to-the-left.  I immediately began to feel successful.

It was one of my favorite episodes - where Rachel and Ross are debating on baby names (Phoebe and Phoebo...) and Joey is trying to talk to Chandler about his feelings for Rachel, (Joey:  "Do you know what I mean?"  Chandler:  (pause) "Do you?")

***As I type this, I am sitting by my sweet husband who is playing a monster truck video game and eating Cool Ranch Doritos; one of which I just watched him retrieve off his feet after it fell.*** (just thought I'd throw that tidbit in for color)

Back to what I was saying.  So, I was laughing away (though not as heartily as I could have been - will try that another time, Natasha) and then thought I needed to step it up since I had been doing the doo-wop shuffle for a good minute and a half.  So I started doing lunges around the room.  This is where I learned an important lesson, friends:

  • When implementing the strategy of doing the 5 minutes during a favorite tv show and just before bedtime, best to not have just lathered and socked your feet.
So I slid around the room.  Somehow I reminded myself of Clark Griswold from National European Vacation...the part where he accidentally is a part of the German Beer-Fest dancing. 

This is when I looked at my husband, SMUG as a bug in a rug, smirking at me.  I said, "what?" and he got out of bed and said confidently, "THIS is how you do lunges."  And he proceeded to do the most ridiculous lunge (in all seriousness) to "show" me.  He said, "See?  One of your knees needs to practically touch the floor."  Pleased with himself, he got himself, smugly, bag into bed.  Gotta love him.

I wasn't daunted.  You see, THIS is the sort of lesson/structure that is the VERY reason why I do not work out AT ALL!!!  I resisted the instruction, and instead slid happily back and forth in front of my bed until my 5 minutes was up.  Oh, and I did some tricep push-up thing-ys with my footboard.

So altogether, a SUCCESS!! Way to go, Ronja.  Awes suggestion.  


  1. SO LOVE IT! And of course because I know you and said husband, I have a very clear mental image of this whole picture, which makes me laugh even harder.

  2. Am especially fond of the image of your husband eating a Cool Ranch Dorito off his foot -- yum!

    Ditto him demonstrating deep-knee lunges, and you then ignoring said instructions and sliding around for the rest of your 5 minutes in your Lotion Socks.

    Good stuff!
