Now I will qualify that to say that many would consider us "dropouts", in that we don't regularly follow her suggestions, etc. However, here is what we LOVE about FlyLady: She definitely has the RIGHT "give or take" attitude! She is the only (publicized) person we know of who sets us free as women from the many nets we make for ourselves (I can't eat cottage cheese, celery, and V8 three times a day so I guess I'll just give up and have some chips; I don't have time to go to the gym/don't have anything without holes in it to wear to the gym/am not a member of a gym/true confession=I hate gyms so I guess I will just watch a lil more tv) and says "YOU ARE NOT BEHIND!!! Just jump in where you are" and sets us free to clean our houses as best we can, foregoing perfection, believing that, as she says, "Even housework done incorrectly can still bless your family" (and yourself!)
So, I was remembering in the fogginess that resembles my brain that there is a "5 minute No Excuses Workout" somewhere on her blog. Turns out her trainer, Jonathan Roche, does indeed have a workout:
**However, according to "give or take" standards, it is technically an 11-minute workout. Also, reminder: our general idea is NOT to plan or feel constrained by some sort of "how-to-do-the-five-minutes-right" idea. So this workout is merely a tool to add to your 5-minute belt, only to be used if it sounds interesting and fun; not at ALL as a "should". AND if you start doing it and are bored and or otherwise not interested in finishing, of course stop and do ANYTHING else you want for the remaining minutes! it is all for YOU and you do not have to answer to anyone about your 5 minutes!**
Ok. Thanks for letting me soapbox for a second. Just want to be sure not to add any "rules" to our "no rules" attitude!
Anyways, just thought I would give a shout-out as we have both found her website to be tremendously encouraging as we try to GMST, once and for all. (Get My Stuff Together)
the plot thickens.
MiMi and I have planned our FIRST official outing for the express purpose of being able to write about it to you all. On Friday, we plan to go ATHLETIC-WEAR SHOPPING. (and out to lunch afterwards, of course, to celebrate!)
In the meantime, I will just continue with my Theory Presentations as I still do not have "daily" updates to share about my 5 minutes, as I am still in Rebellion, but AM still Seriously Considering Doing 5 Minutes a Day. (give or take).
- (see previous post, "Flaky") In order to start a new routine, one must attach it to something you are already doing every day.
- We have already talked about this one. But it is the idea that it is IMPERATIVE to have the RIGHT outfit before one is able to effectively accomplish the role one is wanting to fill. Be it chef, RollerDerby lady, home repair person (we created a TRES ESPECIAL outfit for this one time; complete with goggles. It was good.), or, as we are currently discussing...ATHLETIC PERSON. Hence, the shopping trip is necessary. (The question is, do we need to go to an actual athletic store, of which we are terribly unfamiliar? Or do we opt for our local Target, at which we may also find some vino and/or other necessities?
- This is the one my mom reminded me of today. She called it my GOLDEN WISDOM. (You KNOW how much this pleased me! ha. I'm so easily flattered.) She is quite the walker (give or take) but one evening didn't feel up to doing her complete route (about 15 minutes). So I told her she should just walk for 5 minutes and then come back; that it is more important to establish a routine than to do the thing perfectly. This was revolutionary for my perfectionist mother, who is usually quite hard on herself about this sort of thing. She did it, and LOVED it, and realized that it's not about how long (distance or time) she walked, but the fact that she honored the routine!! Girls like us tend to be super rigid and think that if we can't do it the "right way" we just can't do it at all, so it's necessary to "teach" ourselves this concept, n'est-ce pas? AND resist those who tell us we "aren't doing it the right way"!!!!!!!!!
So there they are. I am currently feeling guilty about not working more on #1, esp. since I have so many AWES suggestions from you all as to how I can do it. AND that the first try was so tremendously successful. And #2, as you know, I have plans to do on Friday. Now for #3. I believe in this wholeheartedly, but DEFINITELY find it quite the challenge to remember. It is MUCH more my tendency to fling myself wholeheartedly into the New Plan, whatever it may be, do it for 1 1/2 solid days PERFECTLY, and then abandon it altogether. But I am growing and changing, as MiMi and I say.
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