Thursday, September 3, 2009

5 days into the 5 minutes

Things are going great, except that I am SO SORE it is embarrassing. EMBARRASSING. Because I can't walk in a normal way and people are starting to stare at me. I cannot prevent myself from uttering groans when I walk up or down stairs. I feel the need to offer random explanations, but then people think I'm even weirder. Ah well. So is the life of an exerciser (moi!).

Yesterday, I got up at 6 am to walk with my sister. She is quite geared up about the 5 minute plan. My husband got up even early than me to run (he is in actual runner) and as I was walking out to meet my sister, he came bounding in the house saying something to the effect of "Wow! Great morning! That was an awesome run!" This did not start my day off right. I feel strongly about excessive perkiness in the morning and he knows this. I feel it might have been on purpose just to get me riled up before the sun was even up.

My sister and I walked for 35 minutes. It was dark, except for the last 5. The nice thing about walking with sister is that there is no need to make excessive perky talk. She mostly gave me updates on her walking, such as: 1) Her feet were asleep 2) Her skin felt itchy and she wanted to claw it off (blood circulation, I diagnosed) 3) she needed new shoes. That all kept me busy until we got back on my street and the sun had come up and I realized my clothes were on inside out.

Today, we did a family walk around the block after dinner.

Here my thoughts on the first 5 days:

1) Still feel confident and strangely free at the very little rules.

2) Favorite exercise so far is yoga.

3) Least fave is the lunges. Lunges = evil beasts, and am striking them from my workout regime.

4) Exercising at least a little every day has made me more aware of my body (in a good way).

5) Exercising while drinking vino is not the best idea, because you feel super confident and do more and thus end up really sore.

6) I am exercising more with the goal of 5 minutes a day than I am with the goal of 30-45 minutes a day.

I want to give a big round of applause to my lovely KELLY (aka, MPBF) because she is only other person I know at the moment who is doing her 5 minutes every day. And thanks for linking to us!

Thank you THANK YOU to our TWO sweet, new readers (that are not my mom and myself) that left comments. That makes BFF and I feel very happy and encouraged.

Upcoming topic: CONFIDENCE and why we love people who are confident no matter what they look like. I (Mimi) will provide you with a very entertaining story of a on-the-rounder-side NAKED mom sternly lecturing her teenage (clothed) son on a crowded, public beach. Priceless!


  1. ooohh... this mother teen story sounds very interesting. Can't wait to hear it.

    I'm really glad that you've had so many positive benefits with the 5 minute plan. I'm so tempted to try it, as you both make it sounds so do-able. thinking... thinking...

  2. I really like the list. I feel more organized and empowered just reading it. Has not translated to ACTUAL participation in the 5-minute challenge, but ah, tomorrow. There's always tomorrow!

    Favorite bits...

    "I feel the need to offer random explanations, but then people think I'm even weirder. "

    "That all kept me busy until we got back on my street and the sun had come up and I realized my clothes were on inside out."

    "Lunges = evil beasts"

    And, in all seriousness, I think this is so wise and key...

    "I am exercising more with the goal of 5 minutes a day than I am with the goal of 30-45 minutes a day."

    We are growing and changing!

    However, I do feel that I need to argue the "not exercising whilst drinking vino" portion, as that is one of our dear readers' most excellent suggestions which I intend to try. I guess I'll just have to see for myself...


    Definite props (and snaps! Ha) to, so impressed you are doing your 5 minutes daily! I call for a guest post!! :) And HELLO to Germany and to our new posters in general! Welcome and it's great to have company! :)

  3. Hi from Australia!
    Your posts have me in fits of giggles! I'm hoping reading your blog regularly will give me the will power to start doing my 5 minutes one day!
    Keep it up girls :)

  4. Robyn! Thanks so much for the sweet comment! We OFTEN are not sure if anybody else remotely gets our type of humor, so thanks for the encouragement. If you do your 5 minutes, let us know how it goes :-)

    Love, Mimi
