Monday, August 31, 2009

An effin jelly bean


7:50 pm: Hmph. After getting a good look at gelatinous belly, feel that it is necessary to make a stop by the YMCA. Am well equipped with Perfect Playlist and Ipod, but of course am only expecting 5 minutes out of myself, as per requirement.

8:24 pm: And...done. Check! 5 minutes on the treadmill. Plus 10 flopping around trying to look knowledgeable on machines my trainer showed me how to use. A while ago. And it turns out you actually have to charge the Ipod in order to HEAR the Perfect Playlist. Ah well. So I watched some sort of country music awards. On mute. Awes! I rock. Now onto a quick trip to Marshall's to find special, magical outfit to make me feel fab. For $12.

Oh, and the machine says I burned 27 calories. An insult. What is that, like an effin jelly bean?

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear from LaLa. Is that your BFF? Also hilarious!
